tirsdag den 18. juni 2013


Hi beautiful ladies.

Channing Matthew Tatum, my ladies. 
Give a big applause for the incredible hot guy, we all know as “Magic Mike”. 
He’s 6 ft 1 in (185 cm) and weight 181 pounds (83 kg). 
Here is some eyecandy in a cute little collage. 
Which woman does not love Channing’s amazing abs? 
It’s nearly so hot, you even want to lick his abs.


lørdag den 15. juni 2013


Hi sweeties.

Fitspo and motivation <3.


tirsdag den 28. maj 2013


Hi ladies.

I’m so sad today. I was first getting late to school, but in the school I had a great time. I went to fitness with my friend and we worked out in HOURS! Really badly with spinning, strength training, cardio and really pushed so hard! So we were hungry and my friend said she was so hungry after chocolate. I didn’t want chocolate, but I couldn’t find anything healthy that was cheap and delicious, so I got some chocolate cake. I make it in a half and I eat like.. The half of the half, you know. I felt so terrible! I had a headache, my stomach hurts like hell, my forehead felt so hot and I felt so sick. I was nearly crying because it was hurting so much. I was going back to the gym and worked more out, because I felt so guilty about the cake. Now I just felt sick and it actually ruined my whole day. Fuck my life right now. Fell like hell, just because of a ridiculous cake. I’ll never do that again, fell so disgusting. I hope things will get better.


søndag den 26. maj 2013


Hi sweeties.

So we all want to have bigger boobs right? It’s so ignoring that if you lose too much weight, your boobs will maybe be smaller. My friend was going 1-2 sizes down in bra sizes, it’s so awful! I have heard someone talking about getting your boobs bigger with workout, which I don’t really believe.. I was hearing someone else saying that the boobs will just be smaller. So I was looking on YouTube and I found this video about workouts in the breast area and what you could do! 
Enjoy <3.



Hi ladies.

I have a video for you today! We all want to have that perfect butt in a sexy thong. So I have found this video that really kills your butt so much! My friend and I were trying this one day and we were nearly giving up, because its hurts like hell. So get up and try this workout, it burns more than fire!


tirsdag den 21. maj 2013


Hi sweeties.

Fitspo and motivation <3.



Hi sweeties.

Fitspo and motivation <3.



Hi sweeties.

Fitspo and motivation <3.



Hi sweeties.

Fitspo and motivation <3.



Hi ladies.

I’m so busy at the time, don’t you think? 
But you can always look at my tumblr, there is a lot of inspiring photos! 
Go follow me on my tumblr for more fitspo and motivation!
Click here to see it.


torsdag den 16. maj 2013


Hi ladies.

Selfie picture today! I’m about to get outside and go for a powerwalk or brisk walking! I had mathematic exams today so awful! On Thursday my friend take me to this new gym. We have a mission to complete! We will workout so much we can, and don’t eat any junk food. We only eat really dark chocolate with high procent in cocoa once a week. Tomorrow I’ll hope I can get up to a run before English exams. I really have to get up tomorrow.. Hope you all are doing great!


onsdag den 15. maj 2013


Hi ladies.

I was going for a walk yesterday night. I was only going 5.6 km again. I was going to go more than the day before, but under my ribs it was starting to hurt so much I was so close to actually cry. Every time I breathed it got worse. So I was breathing really fast in a long time and when I waked up this morning, it was so much better! So I took a picture when the sun came down. I have not edited the picture, no filter, nothing of all that. Isn’t it beautiful?


tirsdag den 14. maj 2013


Hi pretty ladies!

I was going a little walk last night. It took me around 1 hour and 15 minutes. I was going pretty slowly so I walked 5.6 km. I was looking for apples, but they were all oily (I really don’t know why). I had a delicious soon lunch today. Crisp bread with avocado and on the side I had some cottage cheese and grapes, yum! I’ll post my old workout soon! Go for a walk today, it will be so nice! Take your mobile with you. You can talk with a friend or hear some music. Think about a lot of stuff and take a break. It’s pretty relaxing girls!


mandag den 13. maj 2013


Hi sweeties.

So we got a super-hottie you can adore for a week. 
Some eye candy for all the ladies. 
Francisco my ladies, Francisco Lachowski. 
Picture bomb with this hot guy. 
He is a super hot Brazilian model! 
His brown eyes and so sexy brown hair, he rocks all the female hearts. 
So we’re also looking for the height and weight since we all is a little rough about our own weight and height. He is 6 ft 3 in (191 cm) and weight 190 lb (86 kg). 
Enough of all these numbers, we want those sexy pictures right? 
Hope you enjoy the sexy male.



Hi ladies.

I’m deadly sorry that I haven’t written in so long time. I have a good excuse! 
I have been on a trip with some people from my school, I had some exams, I was with my boyfriend, I was at a confirmation and a birthday party. 
I have been busy and I’m so sorry. If you have my Instagram, I had posted some motivation while I was basically eating junk food. 
Do you know the feeling of disappointment, because you had ate so much unhealthy stuff? 
You can’t workout, because you’re hanging out with people? 
You can’t just say “Hold on, I just need to do 50 crunches and 100 squats” while playing card games? 
It’s ridiculous. I wish I could teleport to a gym and just be there in some time alone and come back some hours later. 
I was actually eating a little bit healthy on my trip with some people from my school. 
I quick went to gym and nearly only lived with a salad in every meal. 
I was in the store with some friends and I found these “So-Yummy-Cookies-With-Chocolate-Chip-Calorie-Bomb” cookies. 
They were on sale and I was like “OMG I HAVE TO EAT THESE”. 
So I went around the corner in the store and saw 70-80% cocoa dark chocolate. 
So I was throwing the cookies away and took the dark chocolate. 
Better than the cookies right? I’m back on track ladies. 
I’m ready to take a really really long walk tonight and starting tomorrow with some jogging. 
My friend takes me to the gym and now I have to burn aaaaaaaall the calories I had ate. 
I’m gonna kill you fat, I promise! 
SEE ON THE PICTURE! There is a dinosaur, I was in the Zoo and there it was. 


onsdag den 1. maj 2013


Hi sweeties.

Haha looking fun on the picture after 9.1 km cycling and 9.2 km walk! Big eyes haha.
So I have these great workout-tips for you! 
Follow these easy tricks to workout, while doing normal stuff.

~ Wall sit while brushing your teeth
~ Scissors while checking your mobile
~ Take the stairs instead of elevator
~ Run, cycle or go is always better than train, bus and car
~ Flex your abs every time you see a car
~ Flex your butt every time you see a stop light
~ Dance while cooking, cleaning or hear music
~ If you’re waiting for toaster or microwave, squat and make jumping jacks
~ Every time you hear someone in the TV laugh, do 5 squats.

Hope these small tricks will help you getting some extra exercise and don’t remember to smile and laugh! 
Be happy and positive, it’s always much better! 
Extra tip: You train your abs while laughing!



Hi sweeties
I walked 9.2 km today and cycled 9.1 km with two of my good friends. 
They got some rollers and I cycled. 
So hard and so much fun! 
Looking forward to the hairstylist on Friday and a good day with the girls tomorrow! 
I tried the banana pancakes today! 
It’s so hard to don’t burn them on, but they’re really tasty! 
My friend took a picture of me – not seeing so happy haha! 
I recommend this at a Saturday morning or for a snack. 
So easy and quickly to make! 2 eggs and 1 banana!


tirsdag den 30. april 2013


Hi sweeties

I was just on Facebook quickly before I was doing my makeup and hair done, and then I saw a video. 
I was thinking “Yeah right, this is fake” because it was a 70 days challenge transformation. 
So I was it and now I’m like “Omg I want that to!”. 
He makes video blogs every single day and put it together in the end. 
You got fitspo, motivation, a good transformation, eyecandy and a hilarious guy just in one video! 
How amazing is that? This guy really rocks! 
I’ll link the video so you can see it. Wait to the end, you get some eyecandy.



Hi ladies

I have just been outside and ran a little while. I waked up 4:50 am and I was so tired. 
I got back a lot of energy and I also walk some of the time. 
I cough a lot after I run, maybe because I don’t have the greatest lunges. 
I got green tea to breakfast and enjoyed the sunrise when I was outside. 
It was so nice to run in the morning, recommend it so much!



Hi ladies.

So I’m starting to say that I’m really sorry I haven’t blog lately. 
I have been so busy, hanging out with my boyfriend and friends. 
Guess what? I’m back! 
The weather is getting better and better (OMG YES!), so I have to go outside in shorts soon! 
Anyone who is ready for the shorts time? Am I? 
Not really, but I think I’ll make 1232332 scissors tonight haha. 
Tomorrow I’ll post a really hot collage with a super-hot guy! 
Every week I’ll post a collage with a gorgeous and sexy man. 
So we can fight for someone right? 
Great idea I haven’t tried: 2 eggs and 1 banana and mix it together. 
Put it on a pan and WOP, you now have banana pancakes for breakfast! 
Add some berries and fruits, yum yum yum!
Also got some tan, looking for tanned legs in those shorts right girls?


fredag den 26. april 2013


Hi girls.

So today I was sick or wait.. I have been sick in nearly 2 weeks now?! I have just made 1,5 liters green tea. I should have been with my friend today, but I don’t think I can with all these tissues all over me. I’m nearly swimming in tissues and tea cups with a sick headache. I don’t think I can workout, it’s really bad. I’ll post some fitspo later and inspiration! You should try making scissors while checking your mobile! It’s 2 in 1. Exercise and be on Instagram and more! Sorry about bad quality on the picture. 


tirsdag den 23. april 2013


Hi ladies.

I have this cute idea to you! If you need something delicious and healthy for the summer or just a good looking breakfast with your best friend; then I have a great idea! 
Fresh fruits on a stick in any kinds! Apples, pineapples, kiwi, orange, grapes, dragon fruit, bananas and so on! It looks good and it taste really good. 
Try to put you fruit in the fridge for 1 hour or something like that, before you put them on a stick, so they’re cold and even more delicious! 
If you are a little bit naughty you can take out some dark melted chocolate to dip it down in for special moment. 
Treats to you, don’t remember that!



Hi beautiful ladies.

Today I had a delicious breakfast, as you can see on the picture. 
2 eggs with tomatoes and 1 filled avocado with cottage cheese in. 
I have this new snack for you! Apples with cinnamon! 
I actually ate one banana today. So incredible haha! 
I was doing some jumping jacks, crunches and squats in the morning and ended my day with job interview. 
I have been searching for a job in some time, so I was to a job interview. 
They will get back to me next week, I’m so excited! 
Tips to someone who have to go to a job interview: Remember to research their company – I forgot that, aaarrgh! 


mandag den 22. april 2013


Hi sweeties.

The weekend was a big mess or some of it.. 
I had 2 cheat days and totally ruined my healthy food routine, but I had a great time. 
I got my vaccines today, so my doctor says that I can’t sweat – no workout for me. 
I ate a lot today, but all of it was healthy. 
I actually ate a banana today! It was on crisp bread with nutella. 
Nutella and the peanuts weren’t so healthy, but I was not taking so much. 
Tomorrow I have to kick the “Jumping Jacks Challenge” I have showed you before. 
I like the challenge a lot and I’m ready to the 1st may. 
There is a new Squat Challenge I’m going to join – I’ll repost it on my blog later. 
Sick still? Yes I'm. 


lørdag den 20. april 2013


onsdag den 17. april 2013


Hi ladies!

I promised to show you “30 Days Jumping Jack Challenge” with the huge calorie-burner-bomb!
I have a picture of it on the top you can see!
It’s not made by me; it’s made by resolution_get_fit on Instagram! 

If I’m reading this right, you can actually burn 4275 calories if you do all the 30 days of jumping jacks challenge one time!
There are a lot of jumping jacks, but WOW there is A LOT of calories burning there!
I love to see these kinds of “challenges” and I love to try them out.
I haven’t tried this one, but I think I might do it.
But can I hold it for 30 days?
Auch, I’m really bad at “do it in a month” things..
I’ll consider it..


tirsdag den 16. april 2013


Hi girls!

I was sick again today, but today I pushed myself to do some workout! 
First my little sister and me watched a movie and in the whole movie I was doing hula hoop with my “Weight Hula Hoop Ring”. I think it weight about 15-25 kg. 
I was not stopping and the movie was 1 hour and 20 minutes. 
After I did my own workout mix. 
I can post it soon if somebody wants to see it. 
The entire exercise can you do at home! 
I’ll say it burn around 250-400 calories. 
It depends on how many pauses you make and how intense you’re with the exercises. 
I sweat more with this workout than with running. 
I cannot run so much, because of my knees, so this is a lot better for me. 
I doesn’t feel so much sick than before I workout! 
To everybody who is sick, workout! It’s actually helping. 
Hope you all is closer to your UGW <3.


mandag den 15. april 2013


Hi ladies!

So I have been asked about workout and exercises for the back! 
I didn’t found so much pictures, but I got a video from my favorite fitness/pilates YouTuber. 
This lady know how to train your whole back, it’s amazing! 
I defiantly recommend this video! 
I have also heard that, you cannot just train the stomach? 
You have to train your back also! I think I might want to try this out, when I’m not sick anymore. 
I’ll get back to you with my opinion on the video, when I’m not sick anymore! 
Hope you will try this workout out, you can do this at home!


søndag den 14. april 2013


Hi sweeties

So today I have been SO SICK! 
I was just lying in my bed all day and I drank so much tea. 
I’m just exhausted and so sick. I haven’t been so sick in a long time. 
I going out with my friend and I walked in 45 minutes without any shoes in the night. 
My feet were hurting so much and my friend was sick before I came. 
My friend infected me! I just want to be healthy again and go out for a run. 
I miss that. 
Hope you all are healthy and not sick!


lørdag den 13. april 2013


Hi darlings!

I have been depressed, confused, disappointed, sad and angry at the same time today. 
So my friend sends me a song that could get me in a better mood, and guess what? Its helps! 
It’s actually also a good workout song or party song. 
I’m also in love with the music video and their clothes! 
I’ll post some workouts for 
training your back soon! 
Keep up the good mood and don’t let anyone get you down!


torsdag den 11. april 2013


Hi babes!

Today I was falling in love with Disney fitspo! So I found these to on Instagram and I think it's cute and fun! I got a delicious breakfast! Warm oatmeal with raisins, apples and cinnamon! My friend and me eat that a lot! So yummi!


onsdag den 10. april 2013


Hi girls!

So I have been wondering, if I should force myself to like bananas? I don't like bananas and haven't liked them for some years.. I just see so many healthy recipes and delicious food with bananas. It's so healthy.. I forced myself to don't like chips over a year ago and it helped.. Now I'm considering if I should force myself to actually LIKE bananas? Just one banana at a time.. Maybe in the very last end I'll like it.. I need to consider this more..


tirsdag den 9. april 2013


Hi honeys!

As some of you know I was trying to get on “The Skinny Girl Diet”. There are two kinds of diets. There is the healthy way and the “unhealthy” way. I’ll not call it “unhealthy”, it’s just more extreme and you have to consider it before you go on it. So I know what I’ll and I’ll go on the more extreme diet. I’ll just try it and see what’s happening. I eat vegetables and fruits all the time and drink a lot of water, so it’s not going wrong. I recommend the healthy one, but it’s a little bit hypocritical of me, because I take the extreme diet. Why I go on this diet? Mmh.. Because I have been SO LAZY in a long time (I’m seriously stressed because of it). I need to see results NOW! And that means I have to do something about it. I’ll ask my mother for the money to the gym, so I can go down there. Somebody ever tried one of these to diets?


mandag den 8. april 2013


Hi girls.

This morning I’m going to show you the recipe to my smoothie. Some people have been asking me and I promised to say what I actually put in the smoothie. So I can’t tell you how much I put in, because I don’t use any recipe.

You need:
Any kind of frozen fruit (I mostly use strawberries, blueberries and sometimes mango, papaya and pineapple)
Smoothie base or milk
Liquid sweetener
Vanilla powder

So you take all the frozen fruit (I think you can use fresh as well, but I haven’t tried it before), and put it in your blender. Pour the smoothie base or milk to the fruit is nearly covered. Then take the juice and cover the fruits (so you only can see some tops of the fruits). Blend it and try to take a little bit of vanilla powder and liquid sweetener so it tastes sweeter. You don’t have to use the liquid sweetener or vanilla powder, I just always do. You can also put some ice in there and it tastes really good!



Hi sweeties!

Today I was out for shopping with my friend Frida! She bought hair color and shoes, but I didn't bought anything. So I was coloring her hair lighter than before, and I think it turns out pretty beautiful! She has really long and strong hair - I'm so jealous! You can see the "before-after" picture I have made! 
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, because I had!


onsdag den 3. april 2013


Hi sweeties!

Let’s just take a big breath and be jealous AS HELL of Sasha Markina/Alexandra Markina! 
She is my biggest inspiration and she has my dream body. 
I was trying to research her fitness and diet plan, but I couldn’t find a thing! So disappointed.. 
So I just have to try and before the dentist I’ll make jumping jacks like NEVER BEFORE! 
I found a cute pink picture of a “jumping jacks challenge” and you burn so much calories, I don’t even believe you burn them! Maybe I should buy a calorie watch or whatever it’s called. 
I can link the “jumping jacks challenge” when I get back from school today, or I’ll throw it on my Instagram! Don’t give up, believe in yourself!


tirsdag den 2. april 2013


Hi girls!

Today I was eating really late, so I got cottage cheese, tomato and scrabble eggs. It tastes really delicious!
I was kind of depressed today. In the morning I was fine, but after everything irritate me!
I think I just have a really bad day and a little bit of headache..
Maybe I should just go to sleep and train tomorrow?
I have decided to go on “The Skinny Girl Diet”.
Somebody would think that “it’s not healthy, you’ll be like a anorexia girl” no.. Just no..
I can control my body and it’s only one month. I need rest and a pill for my headache.
God I’m depressed!


søndag den 31. marts 2013


Hi girls!

I’m so sorry that I haven’t written anything in a whole week! 
I was on a mini-vacation to my friend! We had so much fun. 
It took me about 6-7 hours to get there and 6-7 hours back again with trains and busses. 
So here are some pictures of the whole week! 
I was in Copenhagen for shopping and eat a delicious sandwich on Joe and the juice! 
We were at the gym one day and we just had a really good time! 
We were at this “feed a fish” spa! Pretty awesome and it tickles SO MUCH! W
e were crying, because we laughed so much in the fish-spa! 
Looking forward to tomorrow, get back to training and healthy food!


torsdag den 21. marts 2013


Hi sweeties!

I was cleaning my whole room up today and make myself a really delicious smoothie! 
I will give you the recipe on the smoothie later! 
After I did the "Burns 1000 calories" exercise, but I only think it burns like 250-300 calories? 
I was making myself a salad with iceberg salat, one tomate, feta and avocado while watching a movie!
Had a wonderful day and I hope you got one to! 
I was kicking ass with the "drink-so-much-water-you-think-you-will-explode"-thing! 
Haha. Don't give up girls!


tirsdag den 19. marts 2013


Hi sweeties!

Today I wasn’t at the gym! Oh no.. I was trapped in the binge-zone all day! But I was doing Wii Just Dance for 50 minutes! After school I was in the city with a friend, but went home early! So I got to the solarium and got some tan.. Go follow my Instagram @mydreambodyjourney 
I’m going to do a photo-motivation-bomb!


mandag den 18. marts 2013


Hi girls!

I didn’t go to the gym today, because I was sick. So I was at home all day and do a little “Wii Just Dance 3” non-stop for 50 minutes. I was snacking constantly on peanut butter – I’m in love with it.

So I was on tumblr and I found these gorgeous bodies. Anybody want to lick these abs? Oh my God, I’ll never say no to that! Some goodies for the eyes!


søndag den 17. marts 2013


Hey sweeties

I just feel in love with this girly and pink collage! Love this, soooo girly <3.
Looking forward to the gym tomorrow! Keep going, don't quit!


onsdag den 13. marts 2013


Hi girls!

Today I’ll like to talk about Miley Cyrus! She got this amazing weightloss (I don’t know if anyone have seen her on fitspo pictures, but I have seen a lot). So I was doing a little research, because she has an amazing body! I found this article about her diet plan and exercise plan. Gluten-free diet and lactose-free diet – sounds pretty boring haha. She also avoids junk food, sweets, chips and all this unhealthy food. 6 times a week she do pilates and you can actually buy the pilates dvd’s on the article – pretty nice! I think Miley Cyrus is a really good fitspiration! I totally love her and not just because of her incredible talent with her singing and actor carrier. So if you want to check it out, click HERE to see the article!


tirsdag den 12. marts 2013


Hi sweeties!

So today I was out for some fresh breakfast! A fresh and good start of the day! So as you can see on the picture, I got low-fat vanilla yoghurt with mixed fruit on the top. Taste really good! So I went down to the fitness center and I’ll make a post about it later. To lunch I got pasta salad. It doesn’t look so good, but it taste really good! I got a little bit of almonds for snacking! And like always I drink green tea! I love it!


mandag den 11. marts 2013


Hi girls!

So I was looking for the healthiest fruit in the entire world and I found “Acai berries”. I don’t know if it’s true, because I was doing a lot of research and some pages say that some other fruits are healthier. Buuuut whatever, I found this berry and it looks like blueberry? This berry named Acai is the healthiest fruit you can eat! I don’t think I have taste the berry before, but maybe I should try? Acai berries are loaded with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and Omega fatty acids. Sound really healthy haha. I love all kind (or at least all the kind I have tasted) of berries. I like a lot of fruits, just don’t banana. I can’t eat banana, just no! But I’ll be hunting for Acai berries this whole week. Got to try them!



Hi sweeties!

Today I have this delicious fruit salad with low-fat vanilla yoghurt to breakfast! 
Very easy and tastes really good! Fruit-fresh-mondag! 

After school I went out for shopping with my friend! 
We had so much fun and I bought some really cute lingerie and a sweater. 
The sweater is oversize, love it!  I have to switch the bra – it’s too small!
I went on McDonalds for a McFlurry! Not so good, but I don’t feel any guilt. I have a fun time and sometimes you just need to eat something for the sweet teeth, and just relax about healthiness and all that stuff. Tomorrow I think I’ll go down to the gym, I have too much energy lately!


søndag den 10. marts 2013


Hi girls!

Sorry that I haven’t been writing in the whole weekend! So.. I think it was Thursday, I was out tanning! I don’t really recommend it, because it’s really bad for your skin. I go to solarium and I have done that in a long time. So I was looking on the internet for some tanning products with good recommendations!

I recommend professional spraytan if you aren’t into solarium! So I find two tanning products you can buy on the internet or in normal stores. My friend’s mother use “SunSpa Tan-in-a-can” and the recommendations sounds really good. About 2 years ago I used “Sublime Bronze Tinted Gel” from L’Oréal! I liked it, but the smell was not really good and there was glitter in, so I glittered like a star haha. You get a yellow color, so I don’t really recommend it.. I just stick to solarium and maybe professional spraytan. Let me know if you got some really good tanning products!


torsdag den 7. marts 2013


Hi girls.

I think you all have heard about Britney Spears right? The big scandal with shaving her hair off and she got a lot of weight on. So long time ago I was searching on how she actually got all the fat off again. I found this article about it and I don’t know if this is true or false. But let’s pretend that this is real. This is pretty amazing! Try to think about 600-1000 sit-ups every single day? Must be real hard! Britney Spears is such an inspiration. I really love her and I have always loved her. Most because of her music, but the weight loss she got is amazing!
Click HERE to see the article!


onsdag den 6. marts 2013


Hi girls!

I have just make my lunch and today I got ryebread with tomatoes and avocado on!
Tastes really good! Love avocado so badly!
Today I’m getting down in the fitness center, because I got a “lifestyle survey” I think it’s called that.. 
I got it for free and one week training. 
I’m really excited, because I haven’t been to a “all women gym” before.
Wish me luck!



Hi girls!

Today I was doing my morning strength training and 2 videos from blogilates.

It buuuurns and I totally recommend it!
I was doing the Victorias Secret Angel Workout as usual.
Now I’m sitting with a deep cleansing facemask on and see pictures of Victorias Secret models.
I could kill for their bodies – SO PERFECT!
They’re really beautiful, but who couldn’t have their bodies? 
My breakfast was again oatmeal with almonds, raisins and some green tea.
Keep going, don’t quit!


tirsdag den 5. marts 2013


Hi girls!

Today my dad took my internet so I couldn’t blog my breakfast picture. 
You could see it if you follow my Instagram (@mydreambodyjourney).
My breakfast was oatmeal (on the picture without milk), raisins and almonds. I drank green tea to the meal. My favorite green tea is strawberry and lemongrass – I totally love it!


mandag den 4. marts 2013


Hey girls!
So I was looking for some cute girly water bottles and I found these! 
Water is so important for you and I’m so bad to drink water. So I was thinking about a new really cute water bottle. These water bottles are from Victorias Secret. It’s cost around 14.50 dollars or a little bit over 11 euros. I will consider if I want one of these. You can buy them HERE.



Hey girls.
 So today I have been to the doctor because of some vaccines. I feel so exhausted, because of it. 
My whole body has no energy at all! 
My doctor says that I can’t do any exercises, no sweat! Not even tanning. 
So I’m sitting here in my bed and makes fitness and healthy collages. 
Here is one of my collages!

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