tirsdag den 28. maj 2013


Hi ladies.

I’m so sad today. I was first getting late to school, but in the school I had a great time. I went to fitness with my friend and we worked out in HOURS! Really badly with spinning, strength training, cardio and really pushed so hard! So we were hungry and my friend said she was so hungry after chocolate. I didn’t want chocolate, but I couldn’t find anything healthy that was cheap and delicious, so I got some chocolate cake. I make it in a half and I eat like.. The half of the half, you know. I felt so terrible! I had a headache, my stomach hurts like hell, my forehead felt so hot and I felt so sick. I was nearly crying because it was hurting so much. I was going back to the gym and worked more out, because I felt so guilty about the cake. Now I just felt sick and it actually ruined my whole day. Fuck my life right now. Fell like hell, just because of a ridiculous cake. I’ll never do that again, fell so disgusting. I hope things will get better.


søndag den 26. maj 2013


Hi sweeties.

So we all want to have bigger boobs right? It’s so ignoring that if you lose too much weight, your boobs will maybe be smaller. My friend was going 1-2 sizes down in bra sizes, it’s so awful! I have heard someone talking about getting your boobs bigger with workout, which I don’t really believe.. I was hearing someone else saying that the boobs will just be smaller. So I was looking on YouTube and I found this video about workouts in the breast area and what you could do! 
Enjoy <3.



Hi ladies.

I have a video for you today! We all want to have that perfect butt in a sexy thong. So I have found this video that really kills your butt so much! My friend and I were trying this one day and we were nearly giving up, because its hurts like hell. So get up and try this workout, it burns more than fire!


tirsdag den 21. maj 2013


Hi sweeties.

Fitspo and motivation <3.



Hi sweeties.

Fitspo and motivation <3.



Hi sweeties.

Fitspo and motivation <3.



Hi sweeties.

Fitspo and motivation <3.



Hi ladies.

I’m so busy at the time, don’t you think? 
But you can always look at my tumblr, there is a lot of inspiring photos! 
Go follow me on my tumblr for more fitspo and motivation!
Click here to see it.


torsdag den 16. maj 2013


Hi ladies.

Selfie picture today! I’m about to get outside and go for a powerwalk or brisk walking! I had mathematic exams today so awful! On Thursday my friend take me to this new gym. We have a mission to complete! We will workout so much we can, and don’t eat any junk food. We only eat really dark chocolate with high procent in cocoa once a week. Tomorrow I’ll hope I can get up to a run before English exams. I really have to get up tomorrow.. Hope you all are doing great!


onsdag den 15. maj 2013


Hi ladies.

I was going for a walk yesterday night. I was only going 5.6 km again. I was going to go more than the day before, but under my ribs it was starting to hurt so much I was so close to actually cry. Every time I breathed it got worse. So I was breathing really fast in a long time and when I waked up this morning, it was so much better! So I took a picture when the sun came down. I have not edited the picture, no filter, nothing of all that. Isn’t it beautiful?


tirsdag den 14. maj 2013


Hi pretty ladies!

I was going a little walk last night. It took me around 1 hour and 15 minutes. I was going pretty slowly so I walked 5.6 km. I was looking for apples, but they were all oily (I really don’t know why). I had a delicious soon lunch today. Crisp bread with avocado and on the side I had some cottage cheese and grapes, yum! I’ll post my old workout soon! Go for a walk today, it will be so nice! Take your mobile with you. You can talk with a friend or hear some music. Think about a lot of stuff and take a break. It’s pretty relaxing girls!


mandag den 13. maj 2013


Hi sweeties.

So we got a super-hottie you can adore for a week. 
Some eye candy for all the ladies. 
Francisco my ladies, Francisco Lachowski. 
Picture bomb with this hot guy. 
He is a super hot Brazilian model! 
His brown eyes and so sexy brown hair, he rocks all the female hearts. 
So we’re also looking for the height and weight since we all is a little rough about our own weight and height. He is 6 ft 3 in (191 cm) and weight 190 lb (86 kg). 
Enough of all these numbers, we want those sexy pictures right? 
Hope you enjoy the sexy male.



Hi ladies.

I’m deadly sorry that I haven’t written in so long time. I have a good excuse! 
I have been on a trip with some people from my school, I had some exams, I was with my boyfriend, I was at a confirmation and a birthday party. 
I have been busy and I’m so sorry. If you have my Instagram, I had posted some motivation while I was basically eating junk food. 
Do you know the feeling of disappointment, because you had ate so much unhealthy stuff? 
You can’t workout, because you’re hanging out with people? 
You can’t just say “Hold on, I just need to do 50 crunches and 100 squats” while playing card games? 
It’s ridiculous. I wish I could teleport to a gym and just be there in some time alone and come back some hours later. 
I was actually eating a little bit healthy on my trip with some people from my school. 
I quick went to gym and nearly only lived with a salad in every meal. 
I was in the store with some friends and I found these “So-Yummy-Cookies-With-Chocolate-Chip-Calorie-Bomb” cookies. 
They were on sale and I was like “OMG I HAVE TO EAT THESE”. 
So I went around the corner in the store and saw 70-80% cocoa dark chocolate. 
So I was throwing the cookies away and took the dark chocolate. 
Better than the cookies right? I’m back on track ladies. 
I’m ready to take a really really long walk tonight and starting tomorrow with some jogging. 
My friend takes me to the gym and now I have to burn aaaaaaaall the calories I had ate. 
I’m gonna kill you fat, I promise! 
SEE ON THE PICTURE! There is a dinosaur, I was in the Zoo and there it was. 


onsdag den 1. maj 2013


Hi sweeties.

Haha looking fun on the picture after 9.1 km cycling and 9.2 km walk! Big eyes haha.
So I have these great workout-tips for you! 
Follow these easy tricks to workout, while doing normal stuff.

~ Wall sit while brushing your teeth
~ Scissors while checking your mobile
~ Take the stairs instead of elevator
~ Run, cycle or go is always better than train, bus and car
~ Flex your abs every time you see a car
~ Flex your butt every time you see a stop light
~ Dance while cooking, cleaning or hear music
~ If you’re waiting for toaster or microwave, squat and make jumping jacks
~ Every time you hear someone in the TV laugh, do 5 squats.

Hope these small tricks will help you getting some extra exercise and don’t remember to smile and laugh! 
Be happy and positive, it’s always much better! 
Extra tip: You train your abs while laughing!



Hi sweeties
I walked 9.2 km today and cycled 9.1 km with two of my good friends. 
They got some rollers and I cycled. 
So hard and so much fun! 
Looking forward to the hairstylist on Friday and a good day with the girls tomorrow! 
I tried the banana pancakes today! 
It’s so hard to don’t burn them on, but they’re really tasty! 
My friend took a picture of me – not seeing so happy haha! 
I recommend this at a Saturday morning or for a snack. 
So easy and quickly to make! 2 eggs and 1 banana!

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